In an article written by Howard
Megdal, Mike
Pelfrey has been given credit for being consistent even though fans believe he is anything but that. What Howard certainly knows but excludes from his reporting is that Met fans are the reason he has this dubious characteristic associated with his ability. Sure
Pelfrey has not been dominant year in and year out. The problem is we see how electric his stuff can be and we want to see it 99% of the time, no one is perfect which is why I dropped a percentile off. Is it fair? Nope, but then again what fan is completely fair when they are disappointed? Close to none. Sure sometimes we feel empathetic towards a player who has a bad game but when the team, as a whole, performs the way the
Mets have the past few years fans lose any empathy that would have been given. It's a sad fact of playing in New York in Queens where perfection, or near perfection, is needed to displace or compete with our biggest out of league rival. So, back to
Pelfrey. Hopefully he can dispel any and all criticism about his performance because let's face it, this guy is OUR guy. A Met. Slugging it out every game he is in. Standing up to critics and taking blame for his performances. A player who knows the word TEAM, and all it stands for. I for one am glad I have a chance to root for Big Pelf.
To read the article from Howard
Megdal click here (A subscription is needed to view the article in its entirety)